HaTy CuMeL :)

Health | 5 sebab Kenapa perlu minum kopi.


hai semua !! Ok, hari ni lea nak kongsi ngan korang kenapa kita perlu minum kopi? Ade orang kata, tak elok minum kopi lah, apa lah. Tapi disebalik semua kejadian Allah, mesti ada baik dia. Nak tau ape? Jom!

  • Pain Management
2 cups of medium strength coffee can lessen your post-workout muscle pain by up to 48%.

  • Fibre Fill
1 cup of brewed coffee can contain up to 1.8 grams of fibre, hence a cup in the morning gets the bowels to move and expel toxin accumulated.

  • Liver Protection
Coffee actually contains ingredients that protect against liver disease.

  • Avoid Alzheimer's disease
Evidence that caffein may protect against Alzheimer's disease has been discovered through numerous medical studies worldwide over recent years.

  • Protect from Parkinson's Disease
Patients with parkinson's disease are likely to be coffee drinking that their healthy counterparts.

Yes, macam tak percaya kan? So, ape lagi? Jom minum kopi! Tapi korang kene ingat, ni tak bermaksud korang boleh meneguk air kopi ka, espresso ka, capucino ka 24/7. Air mineral juga perlu tau. 8 gelas sehari. bukan kopi 8 cawan sehari. sekian.

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