HaTy CuMeL :)

ape itu "Pre Menstrual Syndrome" @ PMS ??


so, today lea nak kongsi dengan semua warga tanah air lebih-lebih lagi kaum Adam. Haaa ! a bit suprise kan? yelah, mesti korang kata.."ape budak ni citer pasal bende-bende mcm ni kat blog then strictly to mens! tak malu ker??" No. Lea just nak share dengan kaum adam ape itu pre menstrual syndrome. yes ! its happen when perempuan dah started to be baligh.  i'm a bit open minded bout something knowledgable.. so, ada satu hari tu, a friend of mine, ask me.. " erm, lea, why ea perempuan kalau dtg bulan je mesti dia cepat marah la, sometimes moody terlampau la sgt..??why??why??" errmm.. erm.. sometimes i lost my word. yelah, mcm mane lah nak terangkan ea. berulang-ulang kali lea cakap.. "its pasal hormon, biological bdn perempuan" then diorang macam tak paham.. huh! then i try to cari something yang easier mens boleh faham. so, thanks to kak maria ! yes. Maria Elena. at last i got something to share with mens.. and also, to all beautiful girls out there yang juga tertanya-tanya. meh, sokmo !

credit to Kak Maria .

after watching this video, lea tergelak sorang-sorang.. haha ! during PMS, i just being like no 3 and 4 . like seriously ! HAHA. So, take it as a knowledge, and mybe describe ur self girls !

if something wrong somewhere for this video to really work out, u can see here : Pre Menstrual Syndrome
find her Youtube here : YouTube| Maria Elena


  1. pompuan kalau dah datang bulan lelaki takleh dekat.. serius
    [link blog saya kat sini]

    1. yes exactly ! but, tak semua macam tu. if they know how to manage their mood, ok je :)
